Robert Davidson


About me

I first started acting at school when I was invited to attend a summer workshop organised at the Mill Theatre by my

form teacher David Jones. Over the following two years, I took drama O level, and appeared in 3 school productions.

After leaving school I didn’t do anything until 2007. Following a little email banter with a work colleague, I went to see

a Panto performed by The Lynden Players and was impressed by the standard of the show. Needless to say, in

January 2007 I went along to audition for the first time in years. I was given the part of Henry in South Pacific

(apparently because of my French accent). Another thing I thought I’d left behind at school all those years ago.

This in turn led to a run of shows and learning things I didn’t know I could do including singing. I had never been a fan

of musicals (probably still not if the truth be told), but the Lynden Players were doing mainly musicals and so if I was

to stay, it would be something I would have to get used to.

After a few shows and a few songs I thought it might be a good idea to see if I could sing for real and apparently I

can, I’m told I am a tenor, but at best I would say a fiver. I started a course (at the Mill Theatre funnily enough) of

singing lessons called Singing For The Terrified in 2010. The talented Patrissia Cuberos found a voice I didn’t know I


In 2014 I heard about a film being made in Banbury, and applied to be an extra. Through a friend, I was then

introduced to Mark Johnston of the Movieworks International Stunt Team. As a result of this I attended a zombie boot

camp and became an action extra in the film and learnt the way of film and screen acting. What surprised me and

confused me at first was the way the filming was back and forth throughout the script. In all my acting prior to this, you

told the story from start to finish! I have been training with Mark and the team since and this has led me to be in a

number of independant films. I have also helped to make channel idents and other promos for the Sony channel

Movies 4 Men.

In January of 2017 I was made redundant, to some people this would have been a devastating blow. For me, it was

my opportunity to chase a dream, and so the start of my professional career began and continues to this day. It’s still

a work in progress, and there’s always new tricks to learn, courses of study to undertake and opportunites to try for.

I am seeking representation and credits for Spotlight to take my career to the next level. I will keep the credits up to

date and the website updated with news as things progress. Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you have

any comments or questions, please use the contact page. 

Why twactor?

Originally, the idea was for a personal website to share with friends and famliy. was already

taken, and was a bit long winded to be honest.

Twactor originally meant The World ACcording TO Robert

Now the domain can have either of two meanings (I’m saying it before anyone else does!);

The World ACTOR or TWat ACTOR

I guess that’s up to who is reading this, to some people I mean the world, to others I’m just a twat. That decision is




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